Wednesday 29 July 2009

New Nephew

No recent pictures for me at the moment as we have been busy with my new nephew!
But I am presently working on a requested picture of a dog, and have another lined up for a young Mick Jagger.
Hopefully this will continue and I will start to make money on the thing I love most (apart from my family) Art.

Krissy's MJ

Recent Portrait work

My neice and nephew in felt tip pens

My neices in Oil

Recent life drawing work

Tuesday 21 July 2009


By Krissy
We have both completed the canvases we were working on and have now moved on, I am painting Darth Vader and Krissy Michael Jackson, still in the same style. We have also received our first commission for a Bella and Edward picture - its very different than the last one and much more detailed but it will be interesting so compare my first painting in this style - Bella and Edward with this new one that has been requested.

We are having so many positive comments from the people that are seeing our art that we are thinking of presenting a stall at a local craft fair to sell and find out what the larger public think.

Saturday 18 July 2009


I am busy preparing both myself and canvases!

Myself as I am preparing to do the London to Southend bike ride, its about 59 miles plus the getting to the stations and ride start and then home so in total I will be doing about 65 miles. But right now my inner tubes keep bursting and I have to sort this out or I wont get anywhere!

I have so have been preparing canvases, I am working on a Darth Vader and have a ghost busters canvas that I cant wait to do. Krissy is working on a canvas titles emergence. She can't believe that she is actually painting as she hasn't done any painting work since school, but as an avid scrapbooker and photographer she is willing to give it a go.

Hopefully I will get back to work on the Tom Welling picture I started, I am having a few problems with mixing the correct flesh tones, but I am sure I will get there eventually!

Friday 17 July 2009

Another piece by Krissy

Heath Ledger
By Krissy

Tom Welling

I decided to paint Tom Welling for my fiance who has a slight crush on him and has done since she first saw him on Smallville, 8 seasons ago. I decided to add the superman logo and aim to paint it a light grey to resemble Tom's charecter in Smallville emerging from Clarke Kent to Superman. I got this far yesterday and hope to complete the canvas today or tommorrow.

Thursday 16 July 2009

I have inspired my other half now too.

After seeing my last painting my Krissy wanted to try and here is her version of Charlies Angels as she hasn't painted since school I think this is a great 1st attempt.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

First Blog Entry

Bella and Edward

I have been intrested in trying a new style of contempory art totally different from my usual portraits in oils or pastels, and am writing this blog to record my progress. This picture of Bella and Edward from Twilight is my first attempt.